Hi! WELCOME TO Y BLOGGIE :) this is MY WORLD from 01.03.2010 . If you have time, please check my blog everyday :)
Welcome to viie's WORLD :). Before anything else please follow these rules : No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts. Respect is a must. Enjoy your stay and have fun!GBU-
cry with the rain falling down :'(

Profile Blog Links Joined Credits
treasia yuri
ordinary girl with extraordinary life.
BINUS University, Information systems

Feeling : down --"
Eating : none
Doing : none
Watching : none
Listening to : none

Daily Reads
| DiaryofaProductJunkie |
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8 hal yang gak dimengerti cwo
9 hal yang gak dimengerti cwe
today more than yesterday :)
what I need :)
dandelion's promise
last word
love messages
the meaning of love


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Written at Saturday, February 27, 2010 | back to top

How about you just leave me alone?
I don't know how to get back home.
Oh my I feel so damn cold,
All I do is snap and break and fold.

I'm going to beg and I'm going to cry.
I'm going to ask you for the reason why.
I know you don't want me, that is clear to see,
Why is this the way it has to be?

God, I miss talking to you,
Why do I care this much for you?
My heart it thumps and drums and aches,
Everything inside me breaks.

It's all so pathetic, abnormal, unfair,
How do you manage to not even care?
How do I manage to feel this way?
Wake up in the morning, why's it not just okay?

I'm going to pretend and I'm going to hide,
I'm not going to find someone to confide.
I don't want to talk to anyone but you
I hate that you don't want to talk to me too.

Damn, I just want it to all be fine,
To wake up and appreciate the sunshine,
The clouds, the rain they pelt like demons,
I cannot stand your fleeting reasons.