Hi! WELCOME TO Y BLOGGIE :) this is MY WORLD from 01.03.2010 . If you have time, please check my blog everyday :)
Welcome to viie's WORLD :). Before anything else please follow these rules : No ripping, spamming, and any type of childish acts. Respect is a must. Enjoy your stay and have fun!GBU-
cry with the rain falling down :'(

Profile Blog Links Joined Credits
treasia yuri
ordinary girl with extraordinary life.
BINUS University, Information systems

Feeling : down --"
Eating : none
Doing : none
Watching : none
Listening to : none

Daily Reads
| DiaryofaProductJunkie |
| Balderdashinn |
| SparkleApple |
| cathy |
| deedee |
| ekaa |
| floren |
| audrey |
| irene ariani |
| K. ferdinand |
| liaa |
| marchella |
| sheren |
| yoyo - 1 |
| yoyo - 2 |

Rotten Things
May 2009 | June 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | May 2010 | September 2010 | November 2010 | October 2011 | December 2011 |

goodbye my love
Do not regret for what u have done because there i...
the day before
ciri orang yang mencintai km.
baca dan kamu akan mengerti :)
when someone loves you.
KEEP SMILING VII ! :)HARD HARD HARD. gak bisa boon...
I love everything you hate about yourself


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for you, boy.
Written at Wednesday, April 14, 2010 | back to top

this is for you, boy. :(
sorry. bukanna mau nolak lo ato gimana. tapi I CANT ! gue gak mau orang anggep gue cuma cari pelarian dari mantan dengan jadian ato deket sama lo. so soryy :)
masi banyak yang LEBIH dari gue. dan gue yakin. lo bisa kok dapetin orang kayak gitu. believe me ~
makasi udah selalu dengerin gue nangis, boy.
makasi udah dengerin gue cerita yang sama setiap waktu, boy.
makasi udah jadi tempat sampah gue selama 2 bulan ini , boy.

sorry, kalo gue menjauh. sebelum lo tambah berharap sama sesuatu yang gak pasti, yang gak bisa gue kasi ke lo. :D
gue cuma berharap lo baca ini. jadi lo tau alasan gue kenapa.

Stop being good to me
Don't be good to me anymore

It might be better to be cold to me
Or ignoring me might be better for me
Brushing off the dust on my collar
Carelessly laughing and leaning on my shoulder

I let it go, telling myself that its just a habit and busy my day
But I think about it again and again as if I took a picture

Stop being good to me
Don't be good to me anymore
I don't have the confidence to kneel my knees and be hurt by love
If you have other thoughts than me, if you have different thoughts than me.
If somebody asks you who I am, nonchantly introduce me as just someone you know

The phone call a couple of days ago at night, that call...
it's not that I didn't wat to answer, but I couldnt
Just in case I tell you I miss you when I'm drunk
because in the morning, I'll regret it

Stop being good to me
Don't be good to me anymore
I don't have the confidence to kneel my knees and be hurt by love
Although I had the whole world because of love
Although i miss it, I'm unable to find the way

Just in case you have the same thoughts as me,
if you happen to have the same thoughts of me
I wait again and again.
I am a fool infront of love again.
I cling to you again, like a fool.

Stop being good to me
Don't be good to me anymore